5 Facts About the “No-wing Plane”

A lifting body is a fixed-wing aircraft in which the body itself creates the lift. Here are the five interesting facts that you need to know about the no-wing plane:  1. It had no conventional wing Lifting bodies are thought of as a fuselage with little to no conventional wing. It was unlike a flying wing […] More

The Submarine That Turned into a Ticking Nuclear Bomb

The K-19 was Moscow’s first nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine and was Russia’s answer to the USS Nautilus. However, the production and testing were rushed and not even her captain believed she was fit for combat.   Here’s what you need to know about the submarine that turned into a ticking nuclear bomb:  A Bad Start In […] More

The 110 Year Old Russian Ship Spotted on a Secret 2022 Salvage Mission

The Kommuna is a submarine salvage ship and the oldest active-duty naval vessel in the world.  Conception Kommuna was the first Russian double-haul vessel that was conceived early in the 20th century. The ship was based on the innovative German SMS Vulcan. The ship could carry 10 spare torpedoes, 50 tons of fuel, and housed […] More

The US Air Force’s Secret Squadron of Soviet Fighter Jets

Huge Losses At the start of the Vietnam War, the US Air Force and Navy suffered losses to Soviet aircraft and missiles over North Vietnam. By 1968, about 22% of American planes were lost to MiGs alone. Their losses could be partially attributed to the pilots’ lack of training in air-to-air combat, with just ten […] More

The Aircraft Carrier that Got too Close to Japan

The USS Franklin aka the Big Ben, is an Essex-class aircraft carrier that served for the United States Navy during World War II. Here’s what you need to know about the aircraft carrier that got too close to Japan:  The USS Franklin The USS Franklin is the 5th of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers. When fully […] More

The US Ship Japan Wished It Destroyed When It Had the Chance

The last Brooklyn-class ship to be built was the US was USS Helena. Here are a few facts about the US ship that Japan wished it destroyed sooner:  Before the War The ship was commissioned on December 14, 1939, and despite having seven predecessors, the USS Helena and her sister ship, St. Louis, underwent several upgrades […] More

5 Facts About the Most Unstable Aircraft Man Has Ever Flown

The Northrop Tacit Blue was a technology demonstrator aircraft that delivered important stealth and reconnaissance-minded data between 1982-1985. However, only one model was developed, along with an incomplete aircraft on reserve.  Here are the five interesting facts about the most unstable aircraft ever flown:  1. It was a top-secret program Although it had a limited […] More

10 Facts About the Mega Bomber With Windows In Its Wings

The Junkers G.38 is a massive German four-engine transport aircraft. Two were constructed in pre-World War II Germany and flew as commercial transport within Europe in the years that lead up to WWII.  But what set it apart, was how it was built. It was a mega bomber with windows on its wings. Here are […] More

An Engine With A Bomber Attached To It

The Avro 549 Aldershot was Avro’s first post-war military aircraft and was developed as a long-range, single-engine heavy bomber. ‘ Design The Aldershot was powered by a single 650 horsepower Rolls-Royce Condor 3. It was also notably the first aircraft that features a metal fuselage structure.  The rear was clad in doped fabric, meanwhile, the […] More

The Only Plane the US Air Force Has Never Been Able To Kill

The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is the only production-built US Air Force warplane designed primarily for close air support. It has excellent maneuverability for high accuracy, along with a slow top speed of 420 miles per hour.  Here are some facts about the only plane the US Air Force has never been able to […] More

5 Facts About the Most Successful WWII Submarine

The USS Tang was a Balao-class diesel-electric submarine with a crew of up to 10 officers and 80 enlisted men. It was one of the largest submarine classes within the US Navy.  Here are five facts About the most successful WWII submarine:  1. It had a promising career On the Tang’s first-ever war patrol in […] More