10 Things About The World’s Fastest Seaplane

The Convair F2Y was an experimental seaplane in the 1950s and the fastest seaplane in the world. But like any other envelope-pushing aircraft of its time, it was just not meant to be.  Here are the ten interesting things that you need to know about this seaplane fighter aircraft:  1. It has a delta wing […] More

US Most Feared Test: Surviving a Sinking Helicopter While Being Blindfolded

The US military is an institution that relies heavily on training to protect the lives of its troops. These men and women operate in extremely dangerous conditions and equipment. However, do you know there’s a terrifying test to prepare troops in case their helicopter has crashed into the ocean?  Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)  The […] More

10 Interesting Facts About Japan’s Answer to the P-38 Lightning

The Kawasaki Ki-61 Tony was the only 1943 Japanese fighter that could really compete with the P-38. Here are the ten interesting facts about Japan’s answer to the P-38 Lightning: 1. It’s considered the best-looking fighters of WWII It’s a relatively streamlined airplane packed with a supercharged liquid-cooled inverted V12. The Tony doesn’t always look […] More

10 Things About The WWII Air Raid Deadlier Than an Atomic Bomb

1. State of Japanese Cities Houses in Japan’s cities were predominantly made of wood and paper. Combine that with the fact that Japan’s urban areas were densely populated, and you’ll get flammable cities. Furthermore, their military plants were surrounded by these crowded areas and some of the industrial work was actually done inside the homes […] More

US Genius Technique to Resupply Nuclear Submarine Lost at Sea

US Naval vessels are often tasked to spend months on the sea. Thus, the Navy needs to use creative methods to keep the crews fed and the ships armed and fueled.  One of the oldest and perhaps most effective resupplying techniques is the airdrop. This is an airlift operation in which weapons, equipment, humanitarian aid, […] More

10 Facts About a Day in the Life of a US Navy Pilot on a Carrier

1. Detailed Briefings Pre-flight operations always start with briefings. In these meetings, the pilots are fed with intel from the Carrier Intelligence Center. It covers any flight-related information such as the current and forecasted weather and ship position. In addition, they are also told about the critical operations in the area and the recent data […] More

5 Facts About The Insane Engineering of the Javelin

1. Night Vision Lens Contrary to what its name suggests, the Javelin’s night vision lens can be used for day and night missions. It provides an option to use a 4x or 9x magnification and infrared sight. The lens is part of the Command Launch Unit which can be detached from the main tube. When […] More

Dealing with MacArthur’s 120,000 Man Mistake

In June 1950, communist forces from North Korea invaded western-aligned South Korea, starting the Korean War. General Douglas MacArthur was put in charge of the coalition of United Nations troops.  President Truman was also worried that China might view the invasion as hostile, causing them to intervene in the conflict. However, MacArthur assured his superior […] More